Caribou in the Schools
Rivers to Ridges has been coordinating the Southern Lakes Caribou in the Schools project since 2018. This project (in development alongside the Southern Lakes CaribouManagement Plan) is being advised by a collaborative Working Group with representation from six Yukon and BC First Nation governments: Teslin Tlingit Council, Carcross/Tagish First Nation, Ta'an Kwäch'än Council, Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Taku River Tlingit First Nation, and Champagne and Aishihik First Nations.

Cover illustrator: Violet Gatensby from Carcross Yukon
Caribou in the Schools: A Southern Lakes Caribou Learning Resource, allows educators to engage students in the unique history and ongoing story of the Southern Lakes Caribou. Educators can use this learning resource to guide their lessons, giving insight into ways in which caribou have been co-managed, provide perspectives on how students may be drawn to learn more about caribou, and perhaps become stewards in their personal and professional lives. Lessons range from Kindergarten to Grade 12 each containing an in-class introduction followed by outdoor hands-on learning activities and a multitude of printable materials to support students' learning.
Download the full resource manual: Low-resolution PDF
Individual grade/łesson plans:
Grade K Art: Connecting to Caribou through Creativity
Grade K/1 Science and Social Studies: Connecting Southern Lakes Caribou through the Seasons
Grade 2/3 Arts: Southern Lakes Caribou Connections in Arts Education
Grade 3/4 Social Studies: Human Movement and the Southern Lakes Caribou Connections
Grade 5 Science and Social Studies: Exploring Sustainable Management of Southern Lakes Caribou
Grade 6 Social Studies: Drawing Conclusions through Social Studies
Grade 7 Science: First Nations Knowledge of Biodiversity and Climate Change
Grade 8 Science: Caribou and the Impacts of Climate Change
Grade 9 Social Studies: Collective Caribou Identity: The Power of the Environment and Identity
Grade 10 Social Studies: Seeing Caribou through Social Media

Illustrator: Heidi Marion
Community booklets:
Alongside the creation of the Learning Resource, Community Booklets for each of the six communities were designed for students and educators alike. In addition to containing data and facts gathered from a Western Science perspective on the Southern Lakes Caribou, they also feature community-specific contributions from the Elders and Knowledge Holders who have been a part of the advisory group interviews.
Since 2018 the creation of this program has involved six nations within the Southern Lakes Region and many funders, all to whom we hold much gratitude: Carcross/Tagish Renewable Resources Council, Laberge Renewable Resources Council, Yukon Government (Department of Education), and Yukon Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Trust.